Factors that generate disorders in the classroom

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Factors that Generate Disorders in the Classroom environment that teachers should take a closer at.

There are generally two categories of factors that create disorder and indiscipline. In the first category are factors which the teacher might not be solely responsible for causing or reducing. These social factors include parental rejection, poverty, and low socioeconomic status, viewing violent films, frustration from inadequate scholarship aptitude achievement. Both teachers and pupils can suffer a lot from such factors in a typical school system where pupils with such backgrounds are found.
An active Parent Teachers Association can help reduce some of these factors of indiscipline.

Again within the school, but still outside the control of the class teacher, are some misbehavior that may reside in the way the school is organized.
A school system where pupils are classified into low, average, and high ability groups Large school size and the accompanying depersonalization ( i.e. Lack of personal attention and crowding)
Lack of teacher authority; authority resides only in the headteacher
Large classes that prevent teachers from helping students who need special attention.

Poor communication between school and home. These forms of organizational structures in the school might give rise to a wide range of misbehavior in the classroom that the teacher can hardly control.
It is believed that strong administration and leadership, high expectations concerning school achievements, an orderly school setting, emphasis on basic skills, and poor frequent monitoring of pupils’ progress can reduce indiscipline that comes from poor school organization. Researchers have looked at problems that bring about disorder and indiscipline and have categorized them into two. The first category is problems that come from what they termed as too much behavior of undesirable kind these include:
Physical aggression

Moving around the classroom inappropriately

Making inappropriate noise

Challenging authority

Teasing and ridicule

Making unjust or destructive criticism and complaints.

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