How To Start A Blog In Ghana and Make $100 Every Month.
Start a Blog in Ghana and make $100 every month. Are you looking for ways to make $100 every month from blogging?
Today, we are pleased to present to you all that you need to know about starting a successful blog right here in Ghana and start earning online.
What then is a blog?
A website that allows users to reflect, share opinions, and discuss various topics in the form of an online journal, sometimes letting readers comment on their posts
Who is a blogger?
A blogger is someone who has an online journal and updates it regularly.
What you need to start a blog
•Domain name: This is a special name that you wish to give to your blog or
an identifier of a computer or site on the Internet e.g Ghanaweb.com, myjoyonline.com, etc
•Host/Hosting Service: This is a server
that keeps your blog or website running online all the time without going offline.
Examples of hosting companies-Stormerhost, Bluehost, etc
•Blog Niche: This is the topic or subject that you are interested to write about. E.g Education, Entertainment, Sports, etc
Skills Needed for blogging
•Passion: Blogging is all about writing something that you love
•Patience: You cannot become rich overnight by blogging. Blogging is a gradual process, it’s not get rich quick business
•Good Writing skills: you need to write interesting articles with no grammatical errors.
How to Monetize your blog
There are so many advertisement networks on the web but I will recommend only one, that is, Google Adsense.
Google Adsense is an ads network launched by Google to help customers advertise their businesses online.
Google Adsense will then run this advertisement on a website or blog approved by them.
How to get your blog approved by Google Adsense
•your website or blog design must adhere to Webmaster Guidelines
•Write a good number of original articles
•Create the following pages on your website: About Us, Contact Us, Privacy Policy, and Disclaimer.
Call 0558401183 for assistance on how to create your blog and monetize it with Google Adsense