The 4 months allowance in arrears for Teacher Trainees will be paid…

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The 4 months allowance in arrears for Teacher Trainees will be paid

The 4 months allowance in arrears for Teacher Trainees will be paid…

The allowance of Teacher Trainees across the 46 colleges of education in the country has been in arrears for four (4) months under the 2021/2022 academic year.

The Teacher Trainees Association of Ghana (TTAG) has asserted that they can predict when the arrears of Teacher Trainees will be paid.

During an interview (3FM) held on 24th March 2022, Jonathan Dzunu, President of TTAG cleared the air on rumors surrounding the allowance of Teacher Trainees. The arrears starts from May – to August under the academic year 2020/2021.

He said the delay in payment is not associated with the economic challenges but rather, due to the new administration. The leadership is working tirelessly to meet and discuss with the heads/authorities on the matters of allowance.

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Mr. Jonathan Dzunu Consoled His Fellow Trainees

He disclosed the challenges trainees faced which led to the delay in clearing last semester’s fees hence, making their results inaccessible.

The TTAG President communicated that, when the arrears are not paid, trainees ‘poor’ trainees will be affected hugely. A lot of Teacher Trainees depend on the allowance due them every month.

The Student Loan Trust Fund (SLTF) assured TTAG about the payment of the arrears but a specific date was not disclosed.

We are hoping for the best when the time is due.

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