Update on Colleges Of Education Teachers Meeting With Government

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Update On Colleges Of Education Teachers Meeting With Government

Update on Colleges Of Education Teachers Meeting With Government

The leadership of CETAG and the government attended a meeting that was meant to address the demands of CETAG members.

In a signed letter dated 4th January 2023 from CETAG, they said the meeting was attended by the Minister for Education, the Director for Tertiary at the Ministry of Education, the Chief Executive for Fair Wages and Salaries Commission (FWSC), the Director-General of GTEC, CETAG National Officers as well as other officials from the FWSC, GTEC, and MOE.

The outcome of the meeting reads:

  1. Roadmap for Staff Audit.

The Hon. Minister asked GTEC to submit a written roadmap to his office by the close of Thursday, January 5, 2023.

This was after CETAG had requested for the same, in which our level of involvement will be communicated to us.

  1. Concerns on data on CETAG members for the all-year-round work compensation.

CETAG raised concerns about the inconsistencies in the data submitted by some colleges for the payment of the all-year-round work compensation. As a result, leadership is writing to all local chairs immediately to contact their Principals and verify the data that was submitted.

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The data is expected to cover all CETAG members who taught 12 credit hours and above, and who qualify for a hundred percent of the package. In addition, those who taught fewer credit hours or none but remained on campus to play roles such as STS, Supervision of Project Work, etc. because colleges were in session also qualify for seventy percent of the package.

Locals affected must furnish leadership with the information by the close of Friday, January 6, 2023, to enable us to write to GTEC immediately for rectification

  1. 55% weighting on the outstanding generic allowances.

The Government Team requested to be given up to Friday, January 6, 2023, to get a mandate from the Finance Ministry to enable them to grant us.

  1. Effective date for Conditions of Service (CoS).

The governmenTellsll remained in January 2023 with a clear indication that they cannot grant the mutually agreed effective date of January 2022.

  1. No Negotiations

Leadership indicated to the Government Team that CETAG is not expecting any form of new negotiations but rather MoA/Mol based on the already agreed terms to sign off to bring the CoS into fruition.

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