CETAG Sends A Strong Message To Teacher Trainees In Colleges Of Education

CETAG Sends A Strong Message To Teacher Trainees In Colleges Of Education

CETAG Sends A Strong Message To Teacher Trainees In Colleges Of Education

The Arrangements for the Conduct of Examinations of Students of UCC UDS; and UEW Affiliated Colleges

A Response of Grassroot members of CETAG

We wish to send a note of encouragement to all our gallant members of CETAG to remain calm yet, determined, resilient, tenacious, assertive, steadfast, poised, resolute, and focused on our destiny strike amid this deliberate sabotage of our industrial action by the collaboration of the PRINCOF, the Mentoring Universities and the Ministry of Education.

We are fully aware that the above-mentioned stakeholders have decided to collapse our dignity, usurp a component of our terms of reference and undo our strike by designating traitor CENTSAG members and NACOB personnel to conduct a sort of adhoc examinations for our students.
We urge all our members to remain resolute in the strike because even the authenticity and fairness of the said examinations are likely to be questionable, especially, as students have not yet completed the course contents of the various subjects.


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Update On Colleges Of Education Teaching Staff Association Strike
Now, it is up to TTAG to either fight for academic fairness or not.
Furthermore, our lecturers have either not yet finished marking or entered marks of quizzes, spot tests, assignments, and projects for a Continuous Assessment (CA) which forms a critical component of the Formative Assessment of the various Courses.


  1. We state emphatically that our lecturers will still hold onto the CA marks and the scripts of students since, in our absence, we cannot vouch for the right practices and fairness regarding students’ scripts and marks.
  2. To this end, we prevail upon our Assessment Officers to dissociate themselves from any examination and show solidarity and compliance to the strike directive as given by the Council of CETAG.
  3. Since the entire members of CETAG cannot take part in the invigilation of these hurriedly “arranged” examinations, we want to appeal to all of us to BOYCOTT the marking of the scripts to show our displeasure in not only the usurping of our duty and trying to break our strike but also because we cannot guarantee the quality of examinations on uncompleted academic work.
  4. It’s also our hope that, in like manner, the stakeholders should go ahead and engage the services of CENTSAG and NABCO personnel to teach all the academic courses of the Colleges during next semester
  5. We wish to urge the leadership of CETAG to engage the Media immediately to expose the betrayal of a section of UTAG members who want to conduct examinations in the Colleges of Education even though all the Universities are on strike_ The Media should be aware of untold hardship of students in the uncompleted course outlines being used for examination by encouraging the later to explain their plights in phone-in segments.
  6. Let us remind ourselves that we shall remain on the strike as long as the government keeps holding unto our legitimate demands. It can choose to grant us the allowances during 2024, the election year, but we remain adamant.
    Long live CETAG!!
    Long live our struggle!!
    We dedicate our tears of struggle to the fond memories of the untimely demise of our gallant lecturers who never lived to see the future of CETAG
    Bless up!

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