How to use the Three-Part Lesson Structure to teach

How to use the Three-Part Lesson Structure to teach

The Three-Part Lesson format provides a basic structure for an effective lesson. It is a lesson that consists of three parts before, during, and after. It involves presenting a task (before), letting students work on the task (during),
and discussing results and methods (after).

Before stage

This is the stage of getting students ready to Work on the task; to get students mentally prepared to work on the problem and think about ideas that will help the most.

This is the warm-up stage involving activities that prepare students for the main activities. This is to make sure students understand the task and their responsibilities.
Students become quite clear in their minds that they are ready to tackle the problem.

Teacher actions here include starting with a simple version of the task as an introduction, initiating a brainstorming the session, and establish expectation.

During stage

This is the stage where students are allowed to work using their ideas without constant guidance from the teacher. Allow students to use their ideas and not simply follow directives showing that you have faith in their abilities.

The teacher actions at this stage include the following;
(I) checking on how the groups are tackling the problem

(ii) Teacher should provide hints and suggestions. Minimize the number of directions that you give to students at work.
Be careful how you correct errors observed. You may give a hint or suggest a manipulative or model to a group that may be finding it difficult to start rightly.

(iii) Encourage testing of ideas. Avoid giving early approval to students who seek your opinion. Do not be the main source of truth.
Direct students with prompts to defend their solutions. Let them check themselves to see if they are right or wrong and if the answers make sense. Encourage them to always gives reasons to back their answers.

(iv) suggest extension or generalizations. Encourage students to go beyond their answers and look for alternative solutions. Pose additional questions that lead to extensions or making generalizations.

After stage

At this stage, the teacher enagedball the members in class in productive discourse and encouraged them to work as a community of learners. Remember all children can learn mathematics in the regular curriculum.
Accept solutions without evaluation. This is not the time to check answers but the time for the class to share ideas.

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