NSS releases 2022/2023 postings for newly trained teachers
The Management of the National Service Scheme (NSS) has released the 2022/2023 postings for 15,517 eligible newly trained teachers to undertake their one-year mandatory service for the nation.
In an official letter from NSS Secretariat dated 20th January 2023, all prospective national service personnel has been asked to log onto the Scheme’s website, www.nss.gov.gh, to check their postings and then proceed to the various offices for registration and validation at designated centers in the regions.
Date For Registration& Validation
The registration and validation would commence at all centers in the country starts on 20th-28th January, 2023
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The deadline for confirmation and validation is 28th January, 2023
All personnel should bear in mind that their service will kick start officially on 6th February,2023.
For the avoidance of doubt, the following are the procedures that the Newly Trained Teachers will have to go through to get registered and validated;
- Visit the NSS website www.portal.nss.gov.gh
- Click on check postings, and sign in to print a copy of the appointment letter.
- Proceed to the user agency (school) for the endorsement of the appointment letter by the head of the school with an official stamp.
- After endorsement by the user agency, visit the NSS website to schedule an appointment indicating the date and time for regional validation and acceptance.
- National Service Personnel accepted by user agency and has booked an appointment
should proceed to the NSS Regional Zonal Registration Centre for validation and registration to obtain Regional Acceptance Number (RAN).