Dambai College of Education SRC Sends Notice To Students
The Student Representative Council front of Dambai College led by wishes to inform their student populace on the following happenings in the college
In a letter dated 8th February,2023 the office of the SRC alerted the student on the desolution and reconstitution and the General assembly.
Details of the process is beneath;
Receive warm felicitations from the secretariat of the student leadership of Dambai College of Education.
All are advised to kindly take note of the following:
- There shall be a General Assembly on Saturday 10th February, 2023 as the Constitution spells out at exactly 6:00pm at the conference Hall.
- According to the dictates of the constitution, Article 6: Clause 1 and 2, which states comprehensively the composition of the General Assembly:
i.The Executives officers elect shall be present at the General Assembly ii.Hall Presidents and their Secretaries
iii.Two representatives (course reps) of all programmes at all levels elected by the various groups and their Secretaries shall attend the General Assembly.
iv.For the avoidance of doubt with exception of persons identified, any other person who wishes to observe the deliberations of the General Assembly shall apply in writing to the SRC General Secretary or administrator stating the cogent reason(s).
The letter must be received at least two days before the sitting of the assembly.
Such observer(s) shall take part in the deliberations of the General Assembly

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